Jennifer Döring

Jennifer Döring was born in 1989 in Neuss, Germany.
Her dance education started at “TANZRAUM NEUSS- School of Movement and Dance” with classes in free creative and contemporary technique as well as in classical ballet. She took regularly part in school related projects and performances as a dancer, later additionally as choreographic assistance. Intercultural dance experience she gained in the project “Tanzzwischenuns“ between Pskov (Russia) and Neuss from 2002 to 2006. Her first own choreography “Umbra” was created within the scope of “Kompetenznachweis Kultur“-certificate in 2008.
In October, 2010 she entered the B.A. program Dance  at the University of Music and Dance Cologne (Germany).  She gathered further project experience with Stefan Dreher (“Der Dorn”) , Danilo Colonna (Dolby” by Nanine Linning) and  in the intercultural performanceproject “Urban Fragments” with Jay Pather from South Africa.
Recently she danced in the choreography “Thin Ice” by Yaron Shamir in October 2011.