Instituto de enseñanzas artísticas superiores de la Comunidad Valenciana / Spain

The institute of higher arts education in the Valencian Community “Instituto de enseñanzas artísticas superiores de la Comunidad Valenciana” (ISEACV) was created by law 8/2007, 2nd March, of the Valencian Parliament.  It is an autonomous entity responsible for executing and developing the necessary set of skills for higher arts education related to the administration of the parliament Administración de la Generalitat”

ISEACV aims to provide quality training and academic excellence through research and new technologies.  The institute ISEACV supports the interaction and communication between arts education institutes of the European Higher Education Area and others around the world

The offered degrees are organized in the fields of dramatic art, plastic arts, dance, design and music. Its purpose is to provide full training to develop artistic, technological, educational abilities, as well as research skills applied to interpretation, creation and innovation. Having passed the course allows the student to obtain a degree in a chosen speciality.

ISEACV promotes collaboration and student employment through internships in companies and cultural institutions. The main objective is to provide the students with experience in the labour market and appropriate job placement in their professional field.

ISEACV offers 5 different degrees adding up to a total of 14 specializations in 13 educational centers. ISEACV integrates more than 5,000 students, 789 teachers and 72 administrative assistants.

To gain admittance into ISEACV the student must pass an entrance exam. This test aims to assess the knowledge and skills needed to pursue these studies.